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Magnus Chase and The Sword of Summer

Hi , Welcome back to my blog .
In this post , I am going to Magnus chase series , the book is written the Myth master Rick Riordan.

Review on 

                        Magnus chase and The Sword of Summer 

#1 Book of the series of Magnus Chase Series.

Short Summary

The book is about a Guy named Magnus Chase. He is a 16 year old boy. He is orphaned and living a very struggling life on the streets. His day started very normally as he was sleeping under the Bridge , when a guy kicked him awake and said " They after you ".He  Suddenly finds out he is the son of " Frey " . The Frey is the god of spring and summer , of sun, the rain and the harvest, and of abundance and fertility , growth and vitality. He is the Alfheim. The Norns read his fate themselves :

Wrongly Chosen, wrongly slain,

A hero Valhalla cannot contain.

Nine days hence the sun must go east,

Ere Sword of Summer unbinds the beast.

And with this 

Fehu, The rune of Frey.

He goes out to find the Fenris Wolf and tie him with a another rope.

So, this was the short summary of the book .
This series is about the Norse Mythology.
I really liked this book it is a interesting book showing , uhh I am giving you a spoiler which is :

                           The Story starts after the death of Magnus chase

He gets to know that his friend who was one of the friends ,he got while living on the streets is his cousin , the son of " Freya " his fathers twin sister. The whole thing happened with his father is because of his sister. As she went missing in the Nine worlds. And if you will know the reason you will be very angry at her, because of her , her brother got doomed , lost his own sword and many things more . Let it be a secret or suspense whatever.

Wanna know more about Nine Worlds ..........
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The book is really a nice book , if you love reading the mysterious mythological stories so this book is very nice. It will make a interest in some part of your brain and you cannot resist to read the other book of the series. The book is really funny. There was the you know things coming in mind or you can say the things you were thinking before you go somewhere or see a person.

 Like in spider man TV series there are many clips of him thinking something in his mind while fighting or speaking to someone ( And if you have not seen the TV series of spider-man than , sorry I like to connect or explain things with things you are seeing or you have seen ), (  Things with things :)  ) The Exact same thing is there in this books, you will find it really funny.

( Personal Problems )
I am trying to read the next book and give you the review as now it is difficult for me as I have already purchased ugh ,
6 books for my birthday 

I will get any more this month but you know what I have in my school:

Brilliant librarians , and this is I am like when i come in library

If a book which is not in the library you want to read you could simply tell the librarians about the book and they would buy it for the library than you can read it. We could issue one book at a time but ( I am really a ready-sea-weedy person so they usually give me two or three books which I like to get as the issued by many other people, so mostly it is difficult to find your lovely book to read. )

so, lets get back.
The book series highly recommended by me .
so , this was the review on the series Magnus Chase by the Myth Master Rick Riordan.
Good bye !
We will meet on the next blog.

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